4 Objective 2: Provide housing options

Objective 2: Provide housing options to meet diverse needs of residents with differing incomes and ages

  • Provide greater selection in housing densities and types
  • Integrate different housing densities and types in new and redeveloping areas
  • Maintain current housing form in mature neighbourhoods while providing limited duplex and row housing redevelopment opportunities
  • Work with two density levels in new and redeveloping areas:
    • Level 1 (lower) = mix of single family homes, duplexes, row houses
    • Level 2 (higher) = low rise multi-family buildings, row houses, mixed use development
  • Provide more affordable housing options for families, and active and aging seniors (range of care)
  • Focus higher density and seniors housing in proximity to amenities, transit, and gathering places
Initial Comments:

How do you define the difference between mature neighborhoods and redeveloping areas. Are not all existing neighborhoods mature. Who defines which and when neighborhoods become redeveloping areas. In existing neighborhoods where revitalization needs to take place, housing and commercial densities could remain the same to keep the integrity of the neighborhood. For example, in the central area of the City old buildings could be replaced with replicas of historical buildings built to modern code and energy efficiency. This would accomplish two objectives one to preserve our heritage and the other to revitalize the area so that it would not become run down. People who wish to have larger lots with garden space and live in a historical setting would have that choice.

There may be areas that need redeveloped but this needs to be carefully considered on an individual bases not as a blanked policy. The policy could be reworded "Densities for designated redeveloping areas would be determined on area redevelopment plan basis."

5 Objective 3: Develop neighbourhood ...

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